Posts tagged marijuana
How to Take a Tolerance Break from Cannabis: A Step-by-Step Guide

As passionate advocates for cannabis, we understand the importance of maximizing its benefits while maintaining a healthy relationship with this remarkable plant. Taking a tolerance break, or a "T-break," is an essential practice for many cannabis enthusiasts to reset their tolerance levels and fully appreciate the plant's effects. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to take a successful T-break.

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Concentrates 102

Following our initial course on cannabis concentrates: Concentrates 101, we dipped some toes into the various kinds of products offered in our shop.

And you might’ve had various strains of marijuana in your travels and now you’re looking for deeper, thicker clouds coming from little pungent packed nugs. Intensely thicker highs ranging in consistencies from runny honey to soupy terps, sugary wax, shatter dabs, and hash. Confused in any sense?

We’ve got you covered in: Concentrates 102!

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The Best Stuff Under The Sun: Winners of the Inaugural 2018 Sun Cup

The Sun Cup, hosted once a year by the Washington Sungrowers Industry Association (WSIA), is a celebration of outdoor cannabis growing. This year, the WSIA invited outdoor marijuana farmers and processors from around the state to compete and to raise awareness of sustainable outdoor growing methods and the amazing quality of products that outdoor growers can produce.

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Living Soil: What It Is and Why It Matters

Simply put, weed is pretty! Ask any stoner about the first time they laid eyes on the mysterious plant: Most will recount long hours of their misspent youth gazing longingly at pictures in High Times or Dope magazine. The vibrant collage of tall and sinewy stalks juxtaposed against short, shrubby plants, even in print, can be a beautiful sight.

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